Helping you reset your future!
Helping you reset your future!
With backgrounds in the military, law enforcement, emergency medicine, emergency management as well as search and rescue, and after 45 years in the industry studying, and teaching survival and reconstructionism, we have decided to alter our direction and expand beyond local and regional offerings and step out onto the world stage. Now, we share our passion by helping others online and in person. Our ramp-up process is designed to empower you and show you how and what to do to ensure not just your survival but also how to thrive and assume a new normal on your own terms given any situation, disaster, or social upheaval.
Given the political and social environment of the last year survival mentorship is key—that’s why when it comes to client selection, we’re choosy. We want to give each of you the time and guidance you deserve. One-on-one personal and group consulting plus seminars on the topics of societal reconstruction and personal survival. Check out our survival blog.